Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dudley Thinks He is Pooh Bear!

OneCowgirl I"ma in TROUBLE.....Get me out!!....lov, Dudley (don't call me Silly Filly!)


Train Wreck said...

OC Where have you been! I saw this photo on ! Can you imagine! Well actually I can, that's where I got my name, from my Trainwreck! He get's in to everything!! Glad to see you are alive and kickin!

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Oh my gosh!

Anonymous said...

HOW did he manage that manuever? That is HILARIOUS!! Thanks for the laugh. :o)

Grey Horse Matters said...

Oh my God, how did he ever get in that position! It's just too funny. Hope he's not too traumatized, he seems like a real character.

Anonymous said...

OMG! That is hilarious. You should put that on Youtube or one of those, you know, ... things. This monkey needs supervision. (I'm still laughing)

Flying Lily said...

Incredible - please tell how this turned out!

Changes in the wind said...

Everytime I see this I get upset...I am concerned he is hurt as this in not normal. Just want to know he is okay and would like to know how this could have happened.

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

OH NO!!! Poor Dudley! At first it looked photoshopped..but not! Glad to hear that she made it out and best wishes to get well soon.

