Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Some Kids Play with Toys

...others play with calf nuts! No one on this ranch particularly likes calf fries or should I say no one offers to cook the other day once the dogs had their fill of nuts...the calf nuts were still flying thru the air ... well, these kids took to seriously playing with them. It was pretty funny. One father commented, "I spent $200. on toys at Christmas what was I thinking?" Of course, I supplied a plastic bag to one kid that wanted to take home the nuts - hope they didn't leave the bag in their parents SUV! Now, please forgive me if I've grossed you out with this post. Some kids play with toys, some kids play with calf nuts!


BrownEyed Cowgirl said...

LOL-you know how many people you just grossed out?
I love eating them. But it seems people are banding more around here and that just leaves me nutless-LMAO.

kdwhorses said...

LOL! They were having good clean fun and free! (well I do not know how "clean")

I don't know if I told you there is a place here that sells gallon size baggies of calf nuts for $50-60 dollars! We always keep some to clean, I normally always have a couple of bags in my freezer at all times! Adults are not immune to this either though! There is always someone (normally hubby) that thinks we need to have a nut war!! The dogs and cats are the ones who crack me up! They stand there on badded breath for a nut! LOL!

Last time we castrated and Savannah was there she was collecting the actual sack. She had a bucket full. When we got ready to leave she is taking the bucket to the truck and hubby asked her, whatca got? Oh nothing Dad! When he got up there and looked in she had a bucket full of nut sacks! He asked her what in the world are you going to do with all of those? I am taking them home and making accessories out of them! LOL!

Hubby really likes to eat them, I will eat some. I have gotton a great recipe for the breading and I really like those.

Hey Brown Eyed Cowgirls-need some nuts?!?!!? Sorry I couldn't resist!! Too bad we don't live closer we could all get together and have a calf fry and all the fixings! **Now who do you think we have grossed out!!!!**

Pony Girl said...

I think calf nuts need their own blog! There seems to be a lot of mention of calf nuts out there in the blogging world! ;)
Goodness, I just don't think I could eat them, though. I can barely eat hamburger, lol!

Jinglebob said...

Good, clean, fun!

They are best right off the branding stove in my opinion!

Hey, it's just good beef, right?

threecollie said...

Ha! Double ha! That is really funny...we only do about one every year or so and we toss 'em up on the barn roof. lol

Frazzled Farm Wife said...

Yeah, only farm and ranch kids would play with them let alone touch them. I got a good laugh from this post! I have a bag of them in the freezer but am not sure how to make them...hubby wanted to try it once.

Meg said...

Do you know how LONG it's been since I have had fresh "mountain" oysters????

Calf Fries to there's a good title for a blog...may have to use that!

Email me when you get a chance...

Hugs from the Hill Country!

Steena said...

Where were these when I was little?!! hahaha They look like it was fun.