Monday, August 11, 2008

Cattle Drive 101

Dudley is still whining about not having a passport. I told him I will inquire next time I'm at the post office. I think he only whined because two of us moved so many cows on Fri. & Sat. and he was thinking an international vacation is in order. Saturday would of been easier had there been more than two of us moving cows but there was loads of country- over 100 pairs- many places for the cattle to hide and the cattle decided to spread out! It was tricky gathering them together and keeping them all moving at the same time - I'd get part of them started and then ride upto Hollywood then ones at the other end where I started driving them would one point we'd got started again and lo and behold its a mtn. in the middle of their path - some decide to cut right, some cut left, some decided grazing up high on the mtn was the answer to not going any further - we just split 'em down the middle and off we went pushing them on either side of the was alot of riding but I had fun.