Have you ever wondered if objects, horses, cats, dogs could talk just what would they say? What would this old tree say What would
Duck say? I sometimes say things that I would expect to hear
Dudley say for instance "One Cowgirl you just missed the turn to the barn.. this ain't the way home..haven't we done nough today..I am not chasing anymore bulls"
I know, I think the same things all the time! You know they would have a great story to share!
Of course I talk to our horses, animals, etc. all the time! One time I was at the barn grooming and talking away to my mare, we were in deep conversation and then I heard mam excuse me? I turned around and there is the UPS guy just staring at me, and asked who are you talking to?? My horse, why? He gave me my package and left out fast! LOL!
I do wonder what that tree could tell you after it's been in the same spot for so many years. Or if you were lost it might point the way home,or which way that darn calf went. It sure could be helpful.
I'm guilty of talking to my animals too, my husband always says when they start talking back, let him know.I guess then he'll have me committed. Ha!
Ohhhh...LOVE that old tree pic! It's funny, just before arriving here I was looking at a picture I took of my dog who was watching the Olympics with hubby and I was thinking...if he could talk, what would he be saying?
He would probably be mumbling about how crazy we humans are....lol
LOL! Yep, I have often wondered what our dog would say if she could talk.
I'm just glad my animals can't speak. They would tell all the crazy stupid things I have done!
Emphasis on "stupid." And believe me, they would have some stories to tell!
Yep, I wonder what they animals around us are thinking... and I am glad that they can't talk so that we can hear them! From watching the two dogs together, I KNOW the girls are sharing stories and laughing at us.... Old Jo the Wonder Nanny Dog has for sure filled Jane Doe Puppy in on allll the things she has missed over the years, pre-children! (Embarassing, ... totally embarassing! LOL)
Great shots, as always!!!
LOL I make my animals talk!! Now I have my husband doing it! Diesel (my little queensland) will be looking for his ball, and I will say "Hey where's my ball that darn cat took it didn't she?" So I would love to hear what they really have to say!
Or Old buildings! What stories the could tell!!
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