In the winter we put out syrup feeders - this concoction is full of nutrients and molasses. We have winter grasses but the cows need a supplement. Its funny the old cows that recognize the syrup feeders can't wait for you to get it unloaded and filled - they give you the "hurry up" look. The feeder itself has four wheels on it and the cows like the wheels which turn in the feeder. Sometimes we bait the cows by pouring syrup on top of the feeder. That's Dudley licking the syrup feeder - which is a no, no - it has some ingredient in it that is bad for the horse's liver. Dudley is doing fine and now I no longer let him lick syrup feeders!
Merry Christmas Cowgirl. We feed our girls molasses tubs I am sure these are similar to your syrup. Cows sure love them! The breadboxes are so cool! Snowing like crazy here now, any snow there?
OC, how did Dudley get his name?
I've never seen syrup feeders before. I appreciate the pictures of them. We, like Joni, feed our cattle molasses tubs. We call them lick tubs. And those tubs become handy little storage containers or flower pots when the cattle are done with them ;)
Thank you for sharing about the syrup feeders and the pictures.
So Dudley has a sweet tooth? Hope you had a wonderful christmas, Cowgirl, and wishing you a bright and happy new year!
Girl you are living my dream!
We used to use "lick tubs" (that's what we called them) when I was a kid but we don't anymore! This post brought back memories for me!
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